Welcome to BMCA
Black Mountain Construction Assurance
At the forefront of Civil Infrastructure, Land Development and Public Realm Projects in the ACT and NSW.
Discover Our Expertise
Established over a decade ago, Black Mountain Construction Assurance provides project management, contract administration, design & constructibility reviews and site surveillance services for Civil Infrastructure, Land Development and Public Realm Projects in the ACT and NSW.

BMCA offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep industry knowledge necessary to guarantee quality in infrastructure development. Our clients include developers, the ACT Government, NSW local councils and service authorities.
Want to experience our expertise for yourself? Give us a call today and let’s discuss what we can do for you.
BMCA‘s team and company structure enable us to offer effective solutions for civil infrastructure, land development and public realm projects from overall project management through specialised services in contracts administration, site surveillance and access to the bespoke Construction Eye Tool for Project Visual Recording.

Our Projects
We have a large portfolio in the Canberra and surrounding regions. Click the button below to learn more or scroll to see some of our past projects.

West Basin Stage 2
Client: CRA
Construction Value: $28 Million
BMCA is leading a joint team to provide PAP, Contract Administration and Surveillance Services to the ACT Government for West Basin Stage 2 at Acton Park.
Works commenced mid 2020. The construction scope includes construction of boardwalk, land reclamation, demolition activities, boardwalk lighting and trunk stormwater management with completion scheduled for mid 2022.

City West Bus Layover
Client: TCCS
Construction Value: $2 Million
The project involved the construction of a new ACTION bus layover facility on Barry Drive, Turner to
accommodate Transport Canberra Operations as part of its forward planning to 2040.
The new layover facility provides parking for 25 buses with infrastructure installed for future bus electrification, administration facilities for drivers, while also addressing historical stormwater and flooding issues in the area.
The works also integrated infrastructure to ensure future proofing for future electric buses which will integrate and align with future light rail and other City Developments.

Whitlam Stage 1
Client: AECOM
Construction Value: $70 Million
BMCA supported AECOM in providing construction phase services to the Suburban Land Agency for the Whitlam development in the Molonglo Valley. This project was a multi-stage residential sub-division of value $70 Million which included civil and landscape works, collector and local access roads, block servicing including sewer, water, storm water, gas, electricity, street lighting, and telecommunications. Key coordination and project controls activities included contract administration, stakeholder engagement, and coordination of acceptance inspections and handover.
Contact Us
To contact us, please click on the button below.
Black Mountain Construction Assurance
Unit 1 / 55 Woolley Street
Dickson, ACT 2602, Australia